Origin of them
Middle English theim from ON, dative of the demonstrative pronoun : see theyAn example of them used as a pronoun is in the sentence, "Bobby, Midge, Richard and Dorothy want some soup, so please give it to them," which means please give some soup to Bobby, Midge, Richard and Dorothy.
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The objective case of they- Used as the direct object of a verb: We saw them at the conference.
- Used as the indirect object of a verb: We gave them a round of applause.
- Used as the object of a preposition: This letter is addressed to them.
- Informal Used as a predicate nominative: It's them. See Usage Note at be. See Usage Note at I 1.
- Nonstandard They: “Them's the kind I like” ( American Dialect Dictionary )
- Nonstandard Used reflexively as the indirect object of a verb: They ought to get them a new place to live. me
NonstandardOrigin of them
Middle English from Old Norse theim Old English thǣm ; see to- in Indo-European roots.
MLA Style
APA Style

(personal pronoun, objective case)
- Third personal plural pronoun used after a preposition or as the object of a verb.
- Give it to them. (after preposition)
- She wrote them a letter. (indirect object)
- She treated them for a cold. (direct object)
- Third-person singular pronoun of indeterminate or irrelevant gender
- If someone comes and asks for the ticket, just give it to them. (after preposition)
- If one of my patients calls, please bring them their dinner. (indirect object)
- If a student has an inappropriate question, whatever you do, do not berate them. (direct object)
- For notes on the usage referring to a person of unspecified gender, see the usage notes for they.
- (dialectal) those
- Them kids need to grow up.
From Middle English, form Old Norse.
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